The Bar assists individuals to execute their constitutional right for defence, protecting other rights and interests of individuals and legal entities in compliance with the Slovak Constitution, constitutional laws, other laws and other generally binding legislation.

Practicing law means to represent clients in court litigations, before public and state authorities and other legal entities, defence within criminal proceedings, as well as legal counselling, formulation and drafting documents related to legal actions, preparing legal analysis, administering assets of clients and other forms of legal assistance and counselling providing it is performed constantly and for a fee

(Section 1 (1, 2) of the Act on Advocacy 586/2003 Coll, as amended)

The lawyer shall be independent, obey generally binding regulations and within their scope to follow the client´s orders

(Section 2 (2) of the Act on Advocacy 586/2003 Coll, as amended)

In 130301420 practicing law, the lawyer shall be obliged to protect and enforce the client´s rights and interests, following his/her instructions. The lawyer shall not be bound by the client´s instruction should these contradict a generally binding regulation. The client shall be appropriately informed, accordingly.

In practicing law, the lawyer shall apply professional diligence which means to act honestly, dutifully and conscientiously, applying any and all legal tools and means adequately and thoroughly while exercising in the client´s interest everything the lawyer would deem beneficiary and useful according to his convictions, bearing in mind efficiency and effectiveness of provided legal services.

(Section 18( 1, 2) of the Act on Advocacy 586/2003 Coll, as amended)