The law firm MADEJ & PARTNERS offers legal services in many situations we may face in our lives. Family relations are the most sensitive issue for everyone, affecting and concerning the very intimate elements of life.
A client seeking legal assistance in the field of family law rightly expects that lawyer will approach the issue extremely sensitively and act with maximum discretion and tactfulness.
The law firm MADEJ & PARTNERS offers legal services in the field of family law in particular within the below proceedings:
- Marriage dissolution by divorce (and regulation of rights and duties over minor children)
- Regulation of rights and duties over minor children
- Child maintenance amount increase
- Child maintenance amount reduction
- Child maintenance amount cancelation
- Regulation of contact of a parent with a child
- Defining alimony for spouse
- Child maintenance amount for an adult child
- Child maintenance amount increase/reduction/termination for an adult child
- Decision in dispute between parents
- Imposing corrective measures
- Approving legal act for a minor child
- Paternity denial
- Paternity determination
- Returning a minor child to a foreign country (international abduction by parents)
- Termination of undivided rights
- Settlement of undivided rights of spouses
- Legal capacity limitation
The law firm MADEJ & PARTNERS possesses vast experience in practicing law, as well as in teaching, research and publishing activities.
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