We offer comprehensive legal services related to business company incorporation, change in registration data and dissolution.

Starting business:

We draft all documents needed to start running a business, including arranging communication and relations related to registered company seat, filing a motion to incorporate the company and represent the founders/company before courts and other authorities. We also provide legal services related to obtaining temporary residence permit for purposes of running a business if the company statutory body originates from other than an EU country.

The most often used legal forms of business company to be incorporated in the Slovak Companies Register are: establishing limited liability company, establishing a joint stock company or incorporating a foreign company branch. Trade licences or a profession under special regulation are other options for individuals to start a business.

The most often legal services related to business start:

  • Registering a trade (individual)
  • Establishing and incorporating a limited liability company (s.r.o.)
  • Establishing and incorporating a joint stock company (a.s.)
  • Establishing and incorporating a limited partnership (k.s.)
  • Establishing and incorporating a general partnership (v.o.s.)
  • Establishing and incorporating a branch or a foreign company


Active business:

While your business is active, we offer legal services related to recording changes in information already incorporated in the Slovak Companies Register or Trade Register, such as

  • Changing the permanent address of the trader, change of the registered seat of the trade etc.
  • Changing the permanent address of company statutory body (executive officer, board member etc), changing the permanent address of the partners, change of company registered seat
  • Changing the statutory body to another person
  • Changing the partner to another person (transfer of business share in limited liability company)
  • Expanding, reducing and/or changing business activities (trades)
  • Establishing, changing or closing operation
  • Equity increase/decrease
  • Changing the method of executive officers acting on behalf of a limited liability company or the board of a joint stock company
  • Registering, changing or deleting the final beneficiary
  • Registering, changing or deleting authorised representative/agent in a limited liability company
  • Change in the legal form of a company (e.g. from limited liability company to joint stock company)
  • Merger or division of companies


Business termination

A situation may also occur when it is necessary to terminate your business. There are several ways stipulated in Slovak laws for business termination, e.g. company liquidation, company dissolution by deleting it from the Companies Register ex officio, cancelling or suspending trade licence in the case of individual trader, etc.

Terminating a business is time demanding process and takes a lot of responsibility in Slovakia. We offer assistance to our clients in order to legally terminate a business in Slovakia while meeting all duties and obligations stipulated in generally binding regulations.